Proficiency Tests

TestQual 128 Chlorate + Perchlorate + diquat + paraquat + QAC

**QAC, diquat and paraquat Not accredited**

About the analytes 

Chlorate is no longer accepted as a pesticide but can still be found in fruit and vegetables due its use during food processing and disinfecting food. It's current Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) is 0.01 mg/kg, however both fruits and vegetables are still detecting Chlorate above this level, mainly because of its use during the processing of the food and during its disinfection.1

Perchlorate is a persistent contaminant 3 and although it is not cancinogenic, it has been found to be goitrogenic. It can be found in fruit and vegetables can be a result of the use natural fertilizers, contaminated irrigation water and disinfected water with chlorainated subtances.2

The continous exposure to Chlorate and Perchlorate can lead to chronic inhibition of iodine uptake in humans due to the formation of methaemoglobin, which is a non functional oxygen carrier. The aforementioned inhibition alter the hormonal system of the thyroid gland causing hypertrophy, causing alterations in the hormonal system of the thyroids, which can lead to the incorrect development and grow of toddlers and infants 3. Depending on the level of exposure it was also identified that the perchlorate can cause a multinodular goitre (excessive grow of thyroidal glad), causing hyperthyroidism 4.


Summary of the proficiency test

All the information about this PT can be found in the protocol, which can be donwloaded from a link located below, in this page.

This proficiency test will consist in a single round, two samples will be distributed at the same time with both the PT item with approximately 200g and a blank item. The target standard desviation for all the analytes is 25%.

For this PT the parameters to be analysed are: 


And the detection and quantification of a certain number of the following QAC:

BAC C10 (*)
BAC C12 (*)
BAC C14 (*)
BAC C16 (*)
DDAC C8 (*)
DDAC C10 (*)
DDAC C12 (*)


And also:


Paraquat (*)
Diquat and its salts (*)

Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are not accredited by ENAC


Is NOT mandatory to analyze all the compounds contemplated for this PT to participate. The participation fee will remain the same independtly of the number of parameters analyzed.

TestQual keeps confidential the QAC chosen for this PT and the concentration for both Chlorate+Perchlorate and QAC, the levels of concentration that can be expected are residues.



PT Scheduled milestones



Deadline to send applications 22/May/20 (Week 21)
Distribution of samples 26/May/20 (Week 22)
Deadline to return results 18/Jun/20 (Week 25)
Issue of the final report 26/Jun/20 (Week 26)


*These dates are orientative and always will have to be checked in the protocol of the PT and the news in our webpage.



Why participate with TestQual? Is this PT Accredited?


·Chlorate and Perchlorate are accredited by the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are not accredited. Check our accreditation scope here.


·A  blank item is included in for free for all participants.


TestQual's proficiency testing schemes are a useful and necessary tool that testing laboratories use to demonstrate their competence and quality assurance of their analysis. With the participation of succesive rounds, laboratories are able to track their performance and assure their clients their commitment to the continous improvement and scaning of possible errors.

This PT will be key to your quality assurance for these analytes and will show your clients your commmitment to keep a continous quality control by participating in the TestQual rounds and will allows your laboratory to compare your results with participants from other laboratories in this sector.



How to apply

Those laboratories that want to participate and are not registered on our website can register through this link: START REGISTRATION

If your laboratory is already registered on our website you can start your applciation by clicking the link situated at the bottom of this page, in APPLICATION FORM, once you have logged in you will have to enter your Limit of Quantification (LOQ) for the parameters that have to be studied. The analytes with LOQ equal to NA (NOT ANALYSED) will NOT appear in the website when submiting the results of the PT.

Once the application has been sent, as soon as possible you will receive an email with your laboratory code for the participation in the PT.


Contact data

If you want to get a quote or if we can help you somehow you can contact us by:


Office phone: (+34) 868-94-94-86
Mobile phone: (+34) 676-367-555



  • End of Inscription: 22/May/20 (Week 21)

  • Sample Shipping: 26/May/20 (Week 22)

  • Final date to send results: 18/Jun/20 (Week 25)

  • Final Report: 26/Jun/20 (Week 26)
